Grow & Micro Grow
The Grow series is an intuitive play on light. Hand-built ceramic with satin, unglazed surface. Micro Grow incorporates architectural elements of micro-marine organisms. The sculpture also offers a model and perspective for large public works.

Stardust, Micro Grow Series
hand-ceramic, gold leaf, 8.25” x 10.75” x 9.5”
The diatom’s exquisite silica tests or glass lace houses phytoplankton. Silica occurring as the mineral quartz, is one of the most common substances on Earth. A study from 2018 using observations by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope reported that silica is formed when massive stars explode. In ceramic science, silica is in my glazes and clay particulates. Coming from the most abundant elements in Earth’s crust, clay was also forged in nuclear furnaces inside stars. The elasticity and memory of clay lies within the microscopic hexagonal particulates giving it strength and plasticity. Its adaptive, regenerative ability is its stellar power. It came from the stars, after all.

Many of the chemicals that compose our planet and our bodies were formed directly by stars. We are all, quite literally, made of stardust. Carl Sagan, Starman David Bowie, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young knew we are star dust…

By definition, star dust is a magical or charismatic quality or feeling. Star Dust grew from imaginings enchanted with the tides’ gravitational pull by the moon in this ancient celestial dance. The alchemy and adaptive nature of clay offers infinite possibilities in form and as an illuminating model for mutual sustainability at this climacteric time of change.

We and all life on our beautiful planet, like clay, are from star dust. Everything. is connected.

Ēvolvō, Life Story, Micro Grow Series
hand-built ceramic, gold leaf, 6.5” x 6” x 5.75”
Ēvolvō is the Latin root of evolve, “unroll, unfold”, from ē, “out of” + volvō, “roll”. The Grow series cultivated fertile ground for this abstract self portrait combined with its Micro branch inspired by the architecture of microscopic diatoms designed to thrive interdependently. The single-cell organisms live in fresh and salt water and in the moisture in the soil. The holes or areolae take nourishment in and engineer filtering and buoyancy. Water is life and I love being in or on the water and have always lived near the sea.

Some diatom species have “horns” that fuse to like-species forming jewel-like interconnected networks or colonies for mutual benefit. A beautiful and practical model for how we can move forward during our global transition, individually and collectively.

Ēvolvō, an intuitive process, took on the shape of a human heart but with three not four chambers. Creativity is the vibration of the number three and as constant a companion as clay in my life. The upper passage is more internal and private but energy flows equally via the lace worked sections. The three chambers celebrate the indelible trio I share with my two daughters. Inspiring family lineage includes the sacred Celtic triskelion dating from neolithic times. The triple spiral rotating symmetrically and outward from a shared center is one of the oldest symbols known. The design speaks of movement, growth and progress from the inside out. It also represents spirit-mind-body and the spirit, the present and the celestial worlds like the sacred Aum symbol in Sanskrit. This multiplex perspective sings of unfolding and forward motion to gain greater understanding and expanded vision.

There are seven significant horns or portals on the exterior wall for reciprocal flow of downloading, self expression and sharing. Seven represents seeking, digging deep and we have seven main chakras or spiritual energy centers. The gold leaf signifies the divine energy of the crown chakra at the top of our head. There are three smaller supporting portals. One side is more private, one more open. I am the ninth of eleven children and nine is the power of three. When nine months old, my mother found me walking across the mantle piece, born to discover. Ēvolvō is reaching up and out with her portals stretching in continuous learning, the next adventure and celebration of life.

Frustule Flower, Micro Grow Series
hand-built ceramic, 4.25” x 7.25” x 6.75”
A frustule is the cell wall of a diatom composed of silica, inspiring this work. Diatoms have earned the title Lungs of the Planet providing over 25% of Earth’s oxygen. Being a ceramicist offers an intimate connection for the brick of my kiln is made from the remains of million year old diatoms from the ocean floor called diatomaceous earth. The silica structure of the diatom is the material of glazes and particulates of clay body. This single-cell marine organism not only generously provides oxygen for our planet, it makes this ceramicist’s artistic breath and process possible.

Syzygy, Grow Series
hand-built ceramic 10”h x 9.25”w x 9”d
Syzygy comes from the Greek, a conjunction, a union, yoked together. In astronomy it is an alignment of three or more celestial bodies in a gravitational system. Eclipses occur at times of syzygy.

Four elements are created by the three Syzygy bodies: 1) the sun as the light source, 2) Earth as the bottom sphere which turns inward and grows into 3) the moon at the top. The Fission Theory proposes that the moon, once part of the earth, separated creating the Pacific Ocean Basin. Fact or fantasy, gravity unites Earth and moon.

The base reveals the Earth element turning inward creating a gravitational stem which rises into the moon crowning Syzygy.

The finale and fourth element is the center sphere capturing the alchemy of this celestial alignment creating the totality ring of light. magic moment.

Syzygy debuts at In the Umbra exhibit at Chimaera Gallery in Philadelphia. An annular solar eclipse concurs with the opening of the exhibit, peaking at 1:59 pm EDT, Oct 14, 2023.

Aerial view

Lunar peek through Syzygy window.

Total Solar Eclipse Homage, Grow Series
hand-built ceramic, 7.5” x 5.5” x 7”
A peek inside captures the totality of this eclipse. Aug 21, 2017 North America was front row as the moon aligned with the sun giving Earth this rare celestial performance.

Contemplation, Grow Series
hand-built ceramic, 12” x 6.5 x 12.5”

Blossom, Grow Series
hand-built ceramic, 5.5” x 9” x 7”

Bud, Grow Series
hand-built ceramic, 4.5” x 7” x 5”