Hand-made sturdy stoneware. Food safe, dishwasher, microwave and ovenproof. Each piece sold individually or in custom combination discounted settings. Images give rich sampling while new designs are continually in motion.
Email Marguerita for wholesale price list and arrangements or to a place personal or custom order. Look forward to speaking with you.
Petroglyphware | Neolithic Series

large platter with créme brûlée on speckled clay accompanied by assortment of 5” & 3” plates

large bowl with créme brûlée on blush clay

underside large bowl with créme brûlée on blush clay

custom petroglyph dreams for 24: bon appetite!

place settings with charger, dinner, 7”, 5”, 3” plates, small, petit & low bowls: white and plum on blush clay

charger with elements of neolithic sundial on a rock in ireland: white on blush clay

plates! charger, dinner, 7”, 5”, 3” with créme brûlée speckled clay

medium bowl with 20 letters of the ogham alphabet on inside and symbols encircling outside in white on speckled clay

place setting including charger, dinner, 7'“ plates, medium, low, small & petit bowls with créme brûlée speckled clay

plates! charger, dinner, 7”, 5”, 3” in white on blush

large platter: owl calendar neolithic petroglyph in white on blush clay

custom small plates with nazca lines (peru) in moss on blush clay & plum on red clay

ancient celitc ogham script that resembles a music score across place setting including charger, dinner, 7”, 5” plates, medium, low & small bowls in moss on blush clay

Hello Deep Plates! Nazca Lines
The generous 11” deep plate is a go-to for setting a custom table and plating almost any meal. I chose the mysterious earth drawings carved through the top soil of the Nazca Valley of Peru for this deep dish. Custom requests for other designs from Petroglyphs to Primary Producers are always welcome.
Most of the Nazca Lines were constructed more than 2,000 years ago by the people of the Nazca culture (c. 200 bce–600 ce), though some clearly predate the Nazca and are considered to be the work of the earlier Paracas culture. The dates vary by source but the extraordinary scale and exquisite drawings speak for themselves. They are so large yet finely executed and can only be seen from the air. What kind of help and perspective did they have from above to create such magnificent and mondo stories in this valley in Peru?
Grandmother Spider weaves the future on this moss glaze/red clay deep plate.
A diverse place setting featuring a Nazca Line Heron deep plate, 7”, 5” & 3” plates, medium, small & petit bowls in a mélange of Petroglyph & Primary Producer drawings.
Primary Producerware

Primary Producerware splash of color and scale

Small bowl and platter, petit and dinner plates, charger and more

Diatom dinner plate in moss on red clay, 7” plate in plum on red clay, small bowl in créme brûlée on red clay and 3” plate in créme brûlée on blush clay

3” plates party

3”, 5” & 7” plate trios

Detail of place setting with small bowl, 7” & dinner plate in créme brûlée on red clay

Dinner plate in créme brûlée on red clay

Dinner plate with colony in white on speckle clay

Diatom dinner plate in créme brûlée on blush clay

Dinoflagellate and radiolarian charger in moss on red clay

Radiolarian binary fission charger in plum on speckled clay

Custom place setting in white on blush clay

Custom place setting in créme brûlée on speckled clay

Dinoflagellate large bowl in créme brûlée on speckled clay

Detail of dinoflagellates on large bowl in créme brûlée on speckled clay

Exterior of large bowl in créme brûlée on speckled clay

Platters are oval in small, medium & large with a wide rim on the grand platter
Trio in moss on red clay, créme brûlée on speckled clay & plum on red clay

Wide-rimmed grand platter with dinoflagellates in white on blush clay

Medium bowl in plum on red clay, small bowl in moss on blush clay and petit bowl in white on red clay

Medium bowl with colony in moss on blush clay

Low bowls in plum on red clay, white on blush clay, créme brûlée on blush clay and white on speckle clay

Low bowl in créme brûlée on speckled clay

Low bowl with radiolarians in moss on blush clay

Low bowl with radiolarians in créme brûlée on blush clay

Low bowl with diatoms in white on speckled clay

Large bowl with colony in créme brûlée on blush clay

SCIENCE: The ocean’s mighty microscopic marine organisms help photosynthesize over 50% of earth’s oxygen alone, providing every other breath we breathe. Think about that. Diatoms alone produce over 25% of our planet’s oxygen from salt and fresh water to moisture in the soil. Find more information about these gems swimming through this tableware series on La Mer Single-Cell Mingle page of my website.
Tableware Details
Custom orders and requests Welcome.
Each unique with sizes approximate to .5”.
Select a matching set or diverse combo from the clay & glaze options:
•3 clay bodies: red, speckled and blush
•4 glazes: white, moss, créme brûlée and plum is now shifting to an earthier sienna.
Custom prices apply based on special requests, complexity and varying arrangements.
Round Plates
3” - $10 | 5” - $20 | 7” - $30 | 9.5”-10” - $45 | 11” Deep - $60 | 12.5” Charger - $80
Oval Platters
Small 11” x 8” - $45 | Medium 13.5”-14” x 10” - $80 | Large 17” x 12” - $150 | Grand (wide rim) 19.5” x 14” - $225
Petit 4.25” x 1.25” - $20 | Small 5.25” x 2” - $30 | Low 9.5” x 1.5” - $45 | Medium 8” x 3” - $60
Large 13.5” x 3” - $175 | Grand 17.5” x 4” - $300
Email inquires & orders:

Clay & Glaze Samples:
Clays: Red/bottom row, Speckled/middle & Blush/top
Glazes: Left to right: White, Plum, Moss & Créme Brûlée.
Glaze Update: Earthy Sienna to replace Plum.