

Artist Statement

“What does Light talk about? I asked a plant that once. It said, ‘I am not sure, but it makes me grow’"

– Thomas Aquinas, 1225 – 1274

Oak trees know. Their roots graft into one flesh so they may share mutual sustenance, benefiting the community as a whole. When one tree is in need, the healthy ones direct their energy in support.  This goes macro with fungi, the underpins of the terrestrial realm. Their fiber optic-like mycelium likening a high speed internet connects life in the subterranean. Our planet’s pioneers started in the sea with micro-marine organisms forming the basis of life on Earth. They connect in exquisite mutually beneficial systems or colonies. These one-cell plankton gems, our primary producers provide over 50% of the oxygen for the planet with light from the sun. Rich diversity and reciprocal sharing power thriving communities and environments. This light-giving flow has enabled life to thrive for eons.

Inherent potential realized moves everything, even light itself. It certainly moves me. My work is a response to this light. The interdependent forms and projects grow in a continuous heliotropic adventure, energized with every opportunity.


Marguerita Hagan is a ceramic sculptor based in Philadelphia. She is an activist for the thriving of all life in mutually sustainable communities and environments. The concept of interdependence plays throughout her sculpture, teaching and community arts.

Throughout her career, Hagan has brought to light the beauty and engineering of our planet’s diverse ecosystems and our powerful role as stewards. At this climacteric time of change, her work focuses on the relationship of micro to macro and individual to collective. The intricate ceramic forms shine light on the wonder and respect for the fragile, diverse life with which our lives are intrinsically linked. Hagan’s practice is an ongoing discovery, magnifying our awareness, reciprocal responsibility and protection of each other and our planet. 

She received her MFA from Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and her BFA in Ceramics at James Madison University. University. Her projects include collaborations with artists, scientists and community, environmental art-science residencies and lectures. Her work is in private and public collections and exhibited nationally and internationally.


MFA, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA

BFA, Ceramics, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, Art Honors Award, Magna Cum Laude



2026-2025 & 2025-24: Invited back for 2nd year with film documentary to be made following my project with University of Pennsylvania Institute of Translational Medicine & Therapeutics/ITMAT Art & Sci Residency, Founder Dr. Carsten Skarke

2019: Art & Science Integration, Graduate Program, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA

2018: Art Residency at The College of New Jersey, Interdisciplinary: Art & Science, curator Margaret Pezalla-Granlund

2018: Westtown Friends Lower School Art Residency - Primary Artists: Primary Producers Permanent Installation

2017, 16, 11, 10: NewCourtland Artist Fellowship, Wildlife Shields, Intergenerational: university students & senior NC residents

2017 - 15: Print Center Artist in Schools Residency, Wonder: Micro-Macro, NE High School ceramics students & teacher H. Thompson

2016: Art Partners Residency & Exhibit, Birdhouses for Nature Habitat, Philadelphia Museum of Art: Adaire A. Elementary School, Habitat Project

2016 - 15: Delphi Art Futures Residency & Exhibit, 5-Element Mandala Installation, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Monet & Magritte Awards

2015 - 14: Landlab Residency, Schuylkill Center Environmental Educ, Remediation, Education & Installation:CCD

2012 - 11: Delphi Art Futures Residency & Exhibit, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Brancusi & 1st Place Awards



2025: Art Spiel Picks: Philly Exhibitions in February 2025, Claire Haik for Art Spiel, Feb 12, 2025

2025: Close Encounters with Nature’s Circularity at Box Spring Gallery, Katie Dillon Low for Artblog, Jan 21, 2025

2023 Meet Marguerita Hagan, Canvas Rebel, Dec 2023

2023: Marguerita Hagan Portfolio, X-Ray Magazine, Interviewed by Gunild Symes, Chief Editor/Creative Director of Copenhagen based diving publication, Oct 2023

2023: Local innovation and tradition in the Woodmere Art Museum’s 81st Annual Juried Exhibition, Sharon Garbe for Artblog, July 19, 2023

2023: Labyrinthian HOT BED Gallery spotlights artists’ wild creativity in WACK!, Sharon Garbe for Artblog, July 3, 2023

2022: La Revue de la Céramique et du Verre, Long portrait by Maïlys Celeux-Lanval, print only, art featured in Table of Contents, pg 70 & 71, Sept-Oct Edition, 2022

2022: Interface: Paris based 2G2L Fashion Design & Consulting, Trend book 2022-2023 (pages 13, 16 & 44)

2022: When Underwater Depths Inspire Designers, Laetitia Moller, Elle Decoration France, April 2022

2021: Innumerable Spines Cover Amorphous Sea Creatures Sculpted in Clay by Marguerita Hagan, Grace Ebert, Colossal April 15, 2021

2021: Biospheres at Philadelphia art gallery HotBed, Jen Warner, Communitarian 4/6/21

2020: Meet Marguerita Hagan: Artist, Ceramic Sculptor & Environmental Advocate, Shout Out LA, Oct 26, 2020

2020: Big weekend for art in Philly: What to see in museums now and what’s coming soon, Thomas Hine, Philadelphia Inquirer, September 26, 2020

2020: After 4 months of lockdown, our art critic returns to museums to have his mind blown, (Rising Tides: Contemporary Art & the Ecology of Water at the Michener Art Museum) Thomas Hine, Philadelphia Inquirer July 25, 2020

2020: The Tide is Nigh (pages 28, 29 & 30), Rising Tides Exhibit at the Michener Art Museum during lockdown, Francesca Furey, Grid Magazine, May issue

2019: Art Joins Science in Coral Communication, Kat Cantner, Earth Magazine, March/April

2019: Co-Authored by Dr. John Jungck: Theory in Biosciences, Art Forms in Nature: Haeckel to Contemporary Art, (pages 160 & 174), 100 yr anniversary of Haeckel’s passing, Berlin

2019: An Art Show for Hundreds of Women. And That’s Just the Artists, Melena Ryzik, New York Times, May 16, 2019

2017: Philadelphia Artist to Discuss Humans’ Connection to the Sea: The art & science of micropaleontology, Karen B. Roberts, Univ of DE, UDaily, Sept 15, 2017



2025: Clay as Care Exhibit Panelist with Dr. Carsten Skarke, Dir UPenn ITMAT Art & Science Residency hosted by curator Jen Zwilling, The Clay Studio, Phila, PA

2025: Close Encounters Virtual Artists Talk, 2/6 with Greg Brelloch hosted by curator Gaby Heit, Box Spring Gallery, Phila, PA

2024: Art & Nature: Flora Shield Trio - Micro to Macro virtual presentation hosted by curator Amy Hammond, State Museum of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, PA

2024: Innovating Science Through Art: Penn ITMAT Art-Science Residency, Interns present science through ceramic shields in public critique, Venture Café, Univ. Science Center, Phila, PA

2024: Tropical Shield Trio, Wildlife Series set sail in Royal Suite of Royal Caribbean Cruise’s newest ship curated by Artlink, London-based sustainable global luxury art consultants

2024: Artist Talk, At the Edge of Light & Darkness, Center for the Emerging Visual Artists, Guest Curator, Angela McQuillan, Phila, PA

2024: Art-Science presentation to Marine ecology undergraduate students, Cordes Labs, Dr. Erik Cordes, Temple Univ, Phila, PA

2024 - 2023: Artist Talk, Deep-Sea Biology Society member of inaugural Artist Chapter, officers include Dr. Erik Cordes & Alexis Weinnig, Global

2024: Artist Talk, No Synthetic Colors exhibit, Pennsylvania. Academy of the Fine Arts, Phila, PA

2023: Artist Talk, Magnificare Solo Exhibit, Pennsylvania State University, College Park, PA

2023: Artist Talk, Chimaera Gallery event, Art Meets Science hosted by MICA Ratcliffe Center for Creative Entrepreneurship, Baltimore, MD

2023: Center for the Emerging Visual Artists, 40th Anniversary Art Party & Exhibit, Moore College of Art & Design Galleries, Phila, PA

2023: Virtual Panel, Chimaera Gallery, Environmental Awareness & Activism, hosted by creator & curator, Angela McQuillan, Phila, PA

2022: Presentation, Venture Café, University Science Center, Art & Science of Diatoms: Art & Process of Invisible World of Water at Academy of Natural Sciences, Host, Angela McQuillan, Phila, PA

2021: Presentation with Dr. Marina Potapova, Back from the Field, Art & Science of Diatoms: Art & Process of Invisible World of Water at Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila, PA

2021: CraftNOW Philadelphia First Friday Virtual Preview, presenting work in Invisible World of Water at the Academy of Natural Sciences & The Gift @ No. 5 Butchie Alley

2021: CraftNOW Philadelphia First Friday Virtual Preview, presenting work in Biospheres at HotBed Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

2021: Venture Café Virtual First Thursdays, Guest Artist presenting work in Biospheres at HotBed Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

2020: Venture Café Virtual First Thursdays w/ Michener Art Museum curator, Laura Turner Igoe on Rising Tides Exhibit, hosted by curator Angela McQuillan

2020: Rising UP, Virtual Panel w/ curator Laura Turner Igoe & exhibitor Diane Burko on Rising Tides with Youth Activists, Michener Art Museum, Doylestown, PA

2020: CraftNOW Philadelphia First Friday Virtual Preview, Guest Artist w/ curator Laura Igoe for Rising Tides: Contemporary Art & the Ecology of Water, Michener Art Museum

2020: Random Tea Room Talks, Virtual Guest w/ collaborating partner, Rich Gretzinger sharing Interdependence Installation, Rising Tides Exhibit at Michener Art Museum

2020: Earth Day Virtual Panel w/ Rising Tides Exhibitors & Curator, Laura Turner Igoe, Michener Art Museum, Doylestown, PA

2020: Panel, Wharton Esherick: Artistic Legacy & Necessity Exhibit, PA Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA

2020: Family Bio-Crest ceramic shields, collab w/ sci-artist Kathy High, her ongoing project w/ Dr. de Paolo, UW, Seattle, WA

2020: Virtual Studio Visit: Maiden Voyage curated by Angela McQuillan, Venture Cafe´, University Science Center, Philadelphia, PA

2020: Guest Artist Lecture, Wagner Free Institute, Philadelphia, PA

2019: Global Climate Change Awareness Panel: 24 Hours of Reality, Philadelphia, PA

2019: Presentation & Panel Discussion: Springs Eternal: Art, Water & Change Exhibit, The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ

2018: Coral Reef Ecosystem Panelist, American Geophysical Union Conference, Washington D.C.

2018: Guest Lecture, ArtistSpeak, Community in Art Practice, Philly Stewards & CFEVA, Philadelphia

2017: Guest Lecture, GEO Colloquium Series, University of Delaware, The Art and Science of Micropaleontology

2017: Guest Lecture, Science Museum of Virginia, The Art and Science of Micropaleontology

2017: Wonder: Micro-Macro, Residency Exhibit, NEHS,Teacher H. Thompson, Clay Studio, Philadelphia

2016: Guest Lecture, Penn Network Visualization Program, Science-Art Residency

2015 – 2000: Resident Artist at Divine Life Church (Vedanta Yoga), Baltimore, MD - Meditation Garden: bronze

2013: Little Berlin Fairgrounds: Lila Community Installation: Garden/Sculpture Grounds, Philadelphia, PA

2010: East Falls Eco-Arts Installation: Wissahickon Wall, Aluminum Catfish, exterior wall, Philadelphia, PA

2005: Leaded-Glass Memorial Transom: Seattle Academy, Seattle, WA

2001– 2004: Glass & Stainless Donor Plaques: Seattle Academy, Seattle, WA

1998: Deke Slayton Brain Cancer Center Lunar & Celestial Installations: Northwest Hospital, Seattle, WA

1998: Watson Wyatt World Wide Custom Tea Service: Columbia Towers, Seattle



2025: UPenn Institute of Translational Medicine & Therapeutics Art & Science Residency Exhibit, National ITMAT Symposium, UPenn, Phila, PA

2024 - 2026: Invisibles - La Víe cachée des microbes, June 27, 2024-Aug 30, 2026, Luassane, Switzerland

2025: Close Encounters - Greg Brellochs & Marguerita Hagan, Boxspring Gallery, Phila, PA; Curator: Gaby Heit

2025: Continuing Education Faculty Exhibit, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Phila, PA

2025: Art & Science Penn ITMAT Residency Installation Exhibit, Phila, PA

2024: At the Edge of Light & Darkness, Center for the Emerging Visual Artists, Guest Curator, Angela McQuillan, Phila, PA

2024, 23, 21, 20, 17 & 16: Small Favors Annual Exhibit, The Clay Studio, Curator, Jennifer Zwilling, Phila, PA

2024, 2019: Every Woman Biennial, La Mama Galleria, Curator, C. Finley, New York, NY

2024 - 23: Yunomi, Tiger Strikes Asteroid & No.5 Butchie Alley, Curator, Terri Saulin, Phila, PA

2024 - 23: Magnificare, Solo Exhibit, HUB-Robeson Galleries, Penn State University, Curator, Robert Sparrow Jones, University Park, PA

2023: WACK!, HotBed Gallery, Curator, HotBed, Phila, PA

2023: No Synthetic Colors, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Juried Alumni Exhibit, Curator, Hallie Ringle, Phila, PA

2023: Woodmere Annual: 81st Juried Exhibit: Connections, Woodmere Art Museum, Curator, Doug Bucci, Sculpture Award, Phila, PA

2023: Portrait of the Artist, Invitational, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Curator, Maida Malone, Phila, PA

2023 - 21: Secret POSTcard, Virtual Fundraiser Exhibit, Center for the Emerging Visual Artists, Phila, PA

2022: New Now V, InLiquid new art members exhibit, Phila, PA

2022: MIXTURE: Center for the Emerging Visual Artists Juried Membership Exhibit, Curator, CFEVA, Phila, PA

2022: The Work of Art, James Michener Art Museum, Curator, Tara Kaufman, Doylestown, PA

2022 - 2021: Invisible World of Water, Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, Curator, Marina McDougall, PA

2021: Fellowship of Pafa Annual Exhibition, Gross McCleaf Gallery, Curator, Rebecca Segall, Phila, PA

2021: The Gift, Terri Saulin & Marguerita Hagan, No.5 Butchie Alley Gallery, Phila, PA

2021: Summerhouse, Curator, Bryan Hoffman, HotBed, Phila, PA

2021: Honoring Maida Malone: Exhibit of artists in her collection, celebrating her award by the Philadelphia Arts Business Council, Curator, CFEVA, Phila, PA

2021: Biospheres, Marguerita Hagan & Ana Vizcarra Rankin, HotBed Gallery, Guest Curator, James Oliver, Phila, PA

2020 - 21: Rising Tides: Contemporary Art & the Ecology of Water, James Michener Art Museum, Curator Laura Igoe, Doylestown, PA

2020: Wake in the Woods, Anne Bryan Gallery, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Curator, Kate Samworth, Phila, PA

2020: Wharton Esherick: Artistic Legacy & Necessity, Tuttleman Sculpture Gallery, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Curator John Greig, Phila, PA

2019: La Mer & Rongorongos, Cosmopolitan Club, Phila, PA

2019 - 10: Philadelphia Open Studio Tour, (POST) Annual Exhibit & Opening Event, Phila, PA

2019: Waterworks, Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts & Sciences, Curators, Gail Sidewater & Guna Mundheim, Long Beach, NJ

2019: Annual Goggleworks Exhibit, Juror, Judith Schwartz, Reading, PA

2019: Springs Eternal: Art, Water, Change, Curator, Margaret Pazalla-Granlund, The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ

2019: Community, Exhibit at Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education, Curator, Christina Catanese, Phila, PA

2018: Love Letters to Earth, Solo Exhibit, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Historic Landmark Museum, Curators: Morgan Hobbs & C.J.Stahl, Phila, PA

2018: Etheral/Material, Sculpture Exhibit, Art at City Hall, Curator, Marsha Moss, Phila, PA

2018: Art of the State, The State Museum of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, PA

2018: Brave New World, Bodine Cancer Treatment Center, Jefferson Hospital, Curator Eric Preisendanz, Phila, PA

2018: Wet Lab, Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education, Curator, Christina Catanese, Phila, PA

2017: OCEAN, International Exhibit, Art & Science Collaborations, Inc, NY Hall of Science, Art Curator: Diana Moore, Greenway Art Galleries, Princeton & Science Curator, John Stegeman, Sr. Scientist & Director of the Center of Ocean and Human Health at Wood’s Hole Oceanographic Institute, New York, NY

2017: La Mer: People Protect What They Love, Solo exhibit at the Science Museum of Virginia, Curator, Laura Hughes, Richmond, VA

2017: Cephs Interface in Crete: I Love You More, International Exhibit & Cephalopod Conference, Curator, Ryuta Nakajima, Crete, Greece

2017: Wildlife & La Mer, Solo exhibit at the Philadelphia International Airport, between Terminal C & D, Curator, Leah Douglas, Phila, PA

2017 - 16: Art is Ageless, NewCourtland Fellowship Exhibit, Philadelphia Senior Center, Curator, Center for the Emerging Visual Artists, Phila, PA

2017: Small Sculpture, Art in City Hall, Curator Leslie Kaufman, Phila, PA

2017: The Future is Female, Westtown School, Curator, Angela McQuillan, West Chester, PA

2016: Over the Bridge, Wheaton Arts in conjunction with The American Glass Museum, Curator, Noele Alampi, Millville, NJ

2016: La Mer, Solo Installation, ArtBox Inaugural Exhibit, Curator, Center for the Emerging Visual Artists, Phila, PA

2016: Killing the Cure, Response to Climate Change, Random Tea Room, Curator, Rebecca Goldschmidt, Phila, PA

2015 - 16: Scintillare: La Mer, Solo Exhibit, , Esther M. Klein Gallery, University Science Center, Curator, Angela McQuillan, Phila, PA

2015: Small Works, Philadelphia Sculpture Gym, Curator, Darla Jackson, Phila, PA

2015: Found in Transition, Susquehanna Art Museum Inaugural Exhibit, Curator, Lauren Nye, Harrisburg, PA

2015: Drawing Conclusions: LandLab, Environmental Art Residency exhibit at Center for the Emerging Visual Artist, Curator, CFEVA, Phila, PA

2014: Process & Progress: LandLab Environmental Art Residency, Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education, Phila, PA

2014: Vital Flux, Gallery 107, Downtown Arts, Curator, Angela McQuillan, North Adams, MA

2013: Made in Philly, City-wide billboard campaign, Curator: Center for the Emerging Visual Artists, Phila, PA

2013: Abington Arts Center Faculty Exhibit & Artist Talk, Curator, Marge Horner, Jenkintown, PA

2013: Growth & Decay, Little Berlin Art Collective, Curator, Angela McQuillan, Phila, PA

2012: Shelf Life, Installation with Germaine Ingram, Pew Center for Arts & Heritage, Phila, PA

2011: East Falls Eco-Arts Exhibit, Curator, Noemi Armstrong, Phila, PA

2011: Mainline Arts Center Faculty Exhibit, Haverford, PA

2011 - 10: Art is Ageless, NewCourtland Fellowship Exhibit, Curator, Center for the Emerging Visual Artists, Phila, PA

2010: 5 into1 Sculpture Exhibit, Moore College of Art & Design, Curator, Paul Hubbard, Phila, PA

2010: Grow, MFA Thesis exhibit, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Phila, PA

2007: E Pluribus Unum II Installation, Solo exhibit: Qliance Medical Group of WA, Inaugural Opening of Nation’s 1st Healthcare Center serving without insurance, Seattle, WA

2006: E Pluribus Unum, Solo exhibit, Ballard Exhibit, Curators, Carol & David Entrikin, Seattle, WA

2005, 2003: Seattle Academy Faculty Show, Seattle, WA

2004: Looking Forward, Solo exhibit, Arts Center Gallery, Seattle, WA

2001: Faces for Life, Invitational Benefiting Puget Sound Blood Center, Seattle

1999: Invitational Cup Show, ArtWorks Gallery, Curator, Artworks, Bainbridge Island, WA

1999: American Craft Council Contemporary Crafts Show: Baltimore, MD

1998, 96, 95, 93: Baltimore Alternative Show, The Hyatt Hotel, Curator, Lauren Schott, Baltimore, MD

1998: American Craft Council Contemporary Crafts, Curator, ACC, Bellevue, WA

1998 - 96: Pacific Northwest Arts Fair, Bellevue Art Museum, Curator, Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue, WA

1998 - 96: Art That Works, Northwest Aids Foundation, Seattle, WA

1998: American Craft Council Contemporary Crafts, Curator, ACC, San Francisco, CA

1996: Judaic Exhibit, Society of Arts and Crafts, Curator, SA&C, Boston, MA

1996: Hot Tea Exhibit, Cedar Creek Gallery, Creedmore, NC

1995: Fletcher Challenge Ceramics Award, Auckland, New Zealand

1995: Vessels, The Art of Craft Gallery, Denver CO

1994: COCA Museum Exhibit, Seattle, WA

1994: Garden Living, Society of Arts and Crafts, Curator, SA&C, Boston, MA

1994: Contemporary Ceramics Exhibit, Chicago, IL

1994: Stone Soup Tea Pot Exhibit: Chicago, IL

1993: Boston Tea Party Exhibit, Society of Arts & Crafts, Curator, SA&C, Boston, MA

1992: Visual Sound II: Art for a Cleaner Puget Sound, Friesen Gallery, Seattle,WA

1992: Crazy About Cowboys, Artworks Gallery, Curator, Artworks, Seattle, WA

1990: Skagit Valley Clay Invitational, Samish Studios, Edison, WA

1988: Clay Artists of the Skagit Valley, La Conner, WA

1986: Artists From Tidewater, Credit Mortgage Corporation, VA Beach, VA

1984: Fish: An Exhibit, Kalispell, MT, Juror’s Choice Award, Juror & Curator, David Shaner

1982: Equinox Arts Festival, Everett, WA, 1st Place Award, 3-dimensional Art



Grant-Funded Public Installation Highlights serving all ages:

2022: Resiliency Ceramic Courses, Tableware for Body & Soul, serving immigrants (6 languages/4 interpreters) @ Seamaac, Weiss Wellness Ctr, Phila, PA

2020- 18: Alternative Healing Project with Center for Nonviolence & Social Justice, Drexel University, Philadelphia

2014: Picasso Project: Year Collaboration with ArtWell & Rhoads Elementary funded by PCCY, Philadelphia, PA

2011-14: Youth Advocates Clay Program for youth in transition held in Marguerita Hagan Studio, Philadelphia

2013: Fairgrounds Community Sculpture Workshops with neighboring residents

2008 & 04: Parkwood Elementary: Coming To America Murals,ELL students & Unity in Generations Tile Project

2000: Stevens Elementary Cultural Chairs: Seattle Arts Commission Grant - 6 chairs along Cultural Walkway

2000: Burien Public Library: Seniors Making Art Intergenerational Mosaic Wall

1999: Mosin’s Memorial Garden & Bench, made with preschool and faculty

1999: Sand Point Community Center Mosaic Mural: Intergenerational Project, Hand in Hand Award

1999: Lake Forest Park Elementary: Mosaic stepping stones for entrance to the Habitat Project

1998: St. Joseph Church Mosaic Benches:Children’s 1st Eucharist&Reconciliation

1998: Kirkland Public Library Rainbow Serpent: Intergenerational Installation

1997: Seattle Emergency Housing Shelter:Pacific Arts Ctr program for homeless children

1994: Stevens Elementary Mosaic Walkway: 100' Cultural Walkway at Landmark Building



Education is alive throughout my practice via Projects, Community Arts, Residencies, Lectures, Writing, Exhibits & Artwork.

This lists specific teaching roles:

2025: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Teaching Inaugural Ceramic Sculpture at first art school in the U.S.

2024 - 1995: Marguerita Hagan Studio & Private Classes, Independent Projects - Philadelphia, PA, Seattle, WA

2017 - 2011: Moore College of Art & Design- Visiting Critic, Thesis Mentor, Environmental Art & Design

2015 - 2014: University of Delaware- Visiting Artist, Ceramic Program

2015 - 2011: Abington Art Center, Ceramic Instructor Adult Class, Abington, PA

2011: College of St Elizabeth Ceramic Instructor, Morristown, NJ

1998 - 2008: Seattle Academy - Full-Time Visual Arts Faculty, Established Ceramic Program, Seattle, WA

1998 - 1999: Frye Art Museum - Ceramic Residency and Exhibit, Seattle, WA

1990 - 1992: Skagit Valley Community College - Ceramic Instructor, Mount Vernon, WA