Marguerita Hagan solo exhibit curated by Robert Sparrow Jones, Curator & Senior Gallery Manager
9/22/23 - 2/22/24, Gallery Hours 10 am - 6 pm
Reception: 11/2/23, 4-6 pm, Artist talk in gallery joined by Enviro-Eco-Art sharing highlighting student projects followed by reception.
241 HUB-Robeson Center, University Park, PA 16802
Origin: magnify, Late Middle English, ‘show honor to’ and ‘make greater’ and from Latin magnificare, based on magnus, ‘great’. Magnify dates from the mid 17th c.
Magnificare sheds light on a multiplex of senses and dimensions from the eye, mind and heart to sustainable actions. Each series in the exhibition honors and celebrates mutually thriving communities and environments. Hagan’s play with scale makes physically visible the micro jewels of the ocean and her tributaries. In a cohesive and diverse body of ceramics, the works illuminate interdependence and engagement while magnifying our awareness, reciprocal responsibility, and protection of each other and our planet.
Greatly appreciate the stellar support & collaboration with Robert S. Jones, Sarah Kipp, Exhibition Director & HUB-Robeson Galleries Team on the brilliant curation and installation. Looking forward to the Eco-Enviro-Art Panel with Students & University Community Nov 2, 2023.
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No Synthetic Colors
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